Odys, the custom travel creation and monitoring software for receptive agencies (DMCs)
What can our software bring to your DMC?

200 automations
For time (and money!) savings
Have you identified repetitive tasks when creating an itinerary for your travelers? Anything that can save you time, we have automated it!
Divide the time spent creating an itinerary by 4, resulting in savings of several hundreds of euros per seller at the end of the month.
Odys, from A to Z
From itinerary creation to concierge services
Our ERP tool accompanies you throughout the entire travel creation process (itinerary, reservation, concierge, accounting...). At each step, automation makes the process easier (emails, status information, alerts), connecting with your preferred tools!
CRM & database management
Accounting follow-up
Document management
Connecting to your tools
To analyse
+75% profitability

Piloting and statistical analysis
As a manager, you see in real-time the workload of each team member, but also the volume of projects based on their progress in order to manage your resources best according to the season and sales.
So, how exactly does the Odys software help you on a daily basis?

Software created for DMCs by a DMC
We created Odys by integrating the receptive agency Mexikoo, which helps us understand their operations and real on-the-ground needs.
It will be the same for your DMC!
During setup, you can customize the tool to fit your database, criteria, and positioning on the destination.
We want to make Odys a tool that reflects you!
Try Odys, it's easy!
Contact us or click
on "Free trial"
2 min

Catalog import
We import your database into the tool and create your custom rules
2 days

We train your team and remain on standby whenever you need help

For life !
No payment needed, no commitment on your part...
And you're off, you can quickly and easily create your custom itineraries!
They trust us